Literacy Skills

Literacy in preschool involves a focus on children’s oral language and nurturing early reading and writing skills. Here in Little VIP’s Preschool we prepare a well-labelled, print-rich environment. This helps children to gradually understand, in an age appropriate way, that symbols are used to communicate a message.
We provide many rich and varied opportunities for children to develop their literacy skills. This is done through the provision of high-quality play experiences where children are encouraged to explore print, to mark make and to use new and familiar vocabulary.
Songs, rhymes and story time allow for playful interactions which help to expand language and vocabulary. New vocabulary is thoughtfully introduced in context with children’s play and explorations.
The following webinar from the Department of Education provides parents with information on how to support and enhance young children’s literacy skills.
Numeracy Skills

Mathematics or numeracy in preschool is exciting, creative and enjoyable as children develop mathematical concepts such as matching, comparing, ordering, sorting, size, weight, height, length, capacity and money. Mathematics for young children is about discovering and learning about mathematical concepts through play.
Here in Little VIP’s we recognise that mathematics is a powerful communication tool and we therefore strive to create a numeracy rich environment both indoors and outdoors. In preschool we help children to develop mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills but most importantly to promote a disposition or inclination to enjoy learning and exploring mathematical concepts.
The play resources and scenarios that practitioners plan and provide for young children including block play, sand play, water play and pretend play with money etc help to nurture children’s curiosity to discover the mathematical concepts which are the basis for more formal future learning.